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Find Out About Your Bone Health

Osteoporosis: Are You at Risk?

Osteoporosis, known as the “silent thief,” can cause bones to deteriorate over a number of years without any signs or symptoms, until a bone breaks. Unfortunately, by the time this happens, the disease is already fairly advanced.

Complete the bone health quiz to find out what your risk might be.

Bone Health Questionnaire

"*" indicates required fields

1. Please indicate your sex*
2. How old are you?*
3. How much calcium do you consume each day?*
For example, one cup of milk or fortified alternative beverage contains 300 mg calcium.
4. Do you take a vitamin D supplement?*
5. Are you physically active with moderate to vigorous activity for at least a total of 2 1/2 hours per week?*
6. How many alcoholic drinks do you consume each day (including weekends) on average?*
7. Do you currently smoke cigarettes?*
8. Have you lost 2 cm (3/4”) or more in height as measured by your healthcare provider, or 6 cm (2 ½”) or more overall from when you were a young adult?*
9. Has your mother, father, or a first-degree relative been diagnosed with osteoporosis?*
10. Have either your mother or father had a hip fracture?*
11. Have you broken a bone from a simple fall or bump since age 40?* (for example, a fall from tripping over uneven ground)*
12. Have you ever been treated with any of the following medications? Please select all that apply.
Long-term use of certain medications associated with bone loss and osteoporotic fractures:
13. Do you have any of the following conditions? Please select all that apply.
14. Have you had one or more falls in the last year or do you have any concerns with your balance?*
Would you like us to contact you about scheduling a consultation?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.